Sunday, 23 March 2008

hola photoshop

29/02/08 every now and then i get asked to do a poster.

every night has a morning after

blurryblurry eyes, a possible idea for the British Art Foundation exhibition in late summer.

the sun has got his hat on

09/02/08 we went to the beach. we played in the sea. and jumped off the dunes. best weekend i've had for ages. hurrah for sunshine! :)

the spotlight's on. you take me to it.

27/01/08 today i learnt, some people like to pose.

welcome to campodia

loadmatic album release promo shoot for ivan campo 11/01/08

hello hangover

lets take some photos 30/12/07

two bodies. two hearts.

jj pistolet, and noah and the whale manchester night and day 28/11/07



the lexicon of modern excess

DAGGERS press photo shoot 21/11/07

1 shot. 2 shot. 3 shot. floor.

i went out to work.
i bumped into some friends.

i didn't get all that much work done.

how would i feel, if i were to never see you again?

Manchester Pride '07
photos here of:
karima francis <3
the goxxip

my friend came to visit

he strikes a pose. i point the camera :)

intoxicated walk home

i made a new friend


grand canyon star and garter 17/08/07

night time wandering

i wanna be TRASH!

10th and final dpercussion 04/08/07
photos here of cherry ghost and the whip.

at night there's a monster...

ash, phil and oliver from my band, The Ruby Groove.

dancing at discos, eating cheese on toast.

kate nash and peggy sue and the pirates at manchester night and day 28/03/07

if you havent already, listen to peggy sue and the pirates, ear candy BEAUTIFUL ear candy.

lets make the earth move. the ground shake.

enter shikari HMV instore 23/03/07